Saturday, January 16, 2010

Out Of Stock!

This thing is real!

After dropping off Piggy and Noreen at the mamak at Alam Central and headed to the public parking far far away!

Sehming :*Walking from parking lot to the mamak*

Halfway walking to the mamak. A few policemen and a policewoman was having a conversation during work(Distributing summons)

Sehming :*Curi curi listen*
Policewoman: Malam ni banyak sangat kereta.
Policeman: Ye lah tu, saman sampai habis kertas saman kite.

After a while, they left because they were out of kertas saman.
I was like...What The Hell!!! Like that also can?=.=
Next time bring more lah. We innocent peoples have to park so far while some of those lucky fella parked illegally without receiving summons.

1 comment:

Pikuniuniu said...

hahaha.. lolx!!! u got no luck lo.. xD